Syndrome permanent sexual arousal: symptoms, causes, treatment

For the majority of women already is not a secret that the problems of sexual life can be resolved. This regularly proves to us psychologists, sexologist, and simply the huge number of literature. The continued shortage of sexual partners, in some circles of our society for a long time already recovered a portion of the toy stores adult. In general, in one way or another, but to get the desired result was not so difficult. But what do you do when the body begins to live his life and go crazy, making of falling into a depression women more often have an orgasm and continuous sexual arousal...

constant stimulus

The syndrome of disaster

The disease of permanent sexual arousal was detected by the doctors, there is not much time – for the first time about it is mentioned in 2001. The age of women suffering from this syndrome is not more than 45 years. Syndrome permanent sexual arousal – it is the uncontrolled excitement, not associated with sexual stimulation, accompanied by spontaneous orgasms. The muscles of the pelvic floor, inexplicably, begin to decrease, increases the perspiration, the vessels begin to expand and speed up breathing. All of this ends with orgasms completely different places: at work, during the practice of sports, walks in the open air, in any place, where they can only imagine. Registered cases, when the women experienced up to 300 orgasms a day. Natural pleasure for them has become a disaster!

This syndrome is included in the list of sexual dysfunctions, but the doctors are willing to, which is nothing more than the contrary, as a mental disorder. In this case, it would be logical that the state of fatigue or drowsiness, the disease disappeared, but it is not! The state, decreasing the sexual desire in the general population, contributes to the excitement of the women with this syndrome.

The causes of the excess sexual excitement

Due to the fact that the majority of women with such a diagnosis, are you ashamed of your state, and not to appeal to the professionals for help, search the disease until the end and not can. Specialists who study the syndrome in all over the world, claim that it has nothing to do with the anger of the uterus, as well as do not have sexual incentives. It is not associated with the syndrome and with inability to achieve orgasm, and not with multiple orgasms.

Some scientists are willing to believe that the disease of "inappropriate arousal" can be cause and effect, if there are anatomical abnormalities, tumors on the reproductive system, epilepsy, disturbances of work, the arteries and veins of the urinary system. Now there is also the hypothesis that the syndrome permanent sexual arousal – is not nothing, as a side-effect of when small growths on the lower part of the spine – the so-called cyst Tarlov. It can not be denied, and the assumption that this is a disease is still the consequence of a psychological trauma: perhaps, in the past, sex was associated with pain or discomfort. Including the sexual life can begin with a traumatic, painful cases.

The treatment of the syndrome of sexual excitement persistent

Due to the fact that the disease being studied is not until the end, and end treatment for her call the impossible. Sure, one can argue that, if the syndrome of uncontrolled excitement as a result of other diseases, treat first the cause of the disease. Some patients help creams with anesthetics or local attachment of ice. Some antidepressants are appropriate. It is true that so sick it is necessary psychological and psychological. Otherwise, the state of mind of the patients, other times it leads to deplorable consequences, including suicide.